Brian Newman of the Tribeca Film Institute has the best response I've seen to Mark Gill's "The Sky is Falling" speech, the one that has the (film-centric) internets all abuzz. An excerpt from Newman's post, which summarizes much of what I was thinking when I read Gill's speech:
[N]either I nor the people making the music I like are in this game to make a lot of money....Same with most of the filmmakers I know – they are passionate about making films, want an audience and would like to just make enough to live on. The suits are in it for the major profit, and for them the sky is falling – it actually fell a long time ago, but all that dumb money kept the eyes glazed enough not to notice it. So, from the rest of us to all of you just joining us – welcome to our party, it’s not making us any money, but some of us are still finding what we want and having fun.