I'm out of town right now and I've got limited access to the internet. This morning I checked my email and it looks like there are a lot of new, great comments on several different posts. No time right now to reply to all of them, but a quick thanks to everyone out there for supporting the blog by reading and by posting such thoughtful, um, thoughts. One reason I set up this blog was to build community with the other like-minded individuals out there. If you've posted recently, it's great to hear from you -- and if you've been bashful about posting so far, consider yourself formally invited.
On a completely unrelated note, while I'm traveling, for your enjoyment I thought I'd share an introduction (via Merlin) to the great architect/philosopher Christopher Alexander whose A Pattern Language is one of my three or four favorite books of all time. Part II of the article is an interview. Discussion of how his ideas relate to film to follow. In fact, hey, how about you get it started?
We'll resume our regularly scheduled programming early next week.