The initial results of AJ Schnack's annual Edendale Shortlist poll have been released. Over fifty writers, musicians, actors, filmmakers (including yours truly), and other cultural types submitted ballots. The Edendale Shortlist Nominees...
Film: Borat Children of Men The Departed Little Miss Sunshine Pan's Labyrinth
Music: Band of Horses - Everything All the Time Cat Power - The Greatest Joanna Newsom - Ys TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain Tom Waits - Orphans
As for my ballot, it consisted of five films that didn't end up making the cut. Eh, what can I say? I went with my heart voting for some relatively obscure titles (at least compared with the films on the list above). No regrets.
I did contribute to the balloting for The Greatest. It's not Cat Power's greatest (that would be, for me, You Are Free), but it's definitely a keeper.
ADDENDUM 2/3/07: I just got home from (finally) seeing Pan's Labyrinth. This would have made it onto my ballot, easily, had I seen it in time.